The Siouxland Historical Railroad Association (SHRA) announced a gift of $15,000 from the Union Pacific Foundation for the reconstruction of roundhouse bay 1 as part of the Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District preservation project in Sioux City. The gift from the Union Pacific Railroad is one of the largest corporate gifts to the SHRA. In recognition of the contribution, the newly constructed roundhouse bay 1 exhibit area will be named the Union Pacific Gallery.
“The gift is a generous contribution from the Union Pacific Railroad,” SHRA president Jon Wagoner said. “The contribution demonstrates the Union Pacific’s commitment to commemorate and educated the public on North American railroad history and the science and technology associated with the industry.”
According to Wagoner, the Union Pacific contribution was made on behalf of past, present and future employees of the railroad and their families. During a recent ceremony held at the Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District, Sioux City Mayor Mike Hobart accepted the contribution from Brenda Mainwaring, director of public affairs for the Union Pacific Railroad. Others participating in the gift acceptance ceremony were representatives from the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce, City of Sioux City, Siouxland Historical Railroad Association, and the Union Pacific’s operating department. Approximately 15 individuals attended the awards ceremony that was held at the Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District.
Built in 1917, the Milwaukee Railroad Shops are being renovated for reuse as a railroad science and industrial heritage museum. This historic preservation project is a collaborative effort between the Siouxland Historical Railroad Association and the City of Sioux City. The City of Sioux City acts as public sponsor and project administrator for many of the federal statewide transportation enhancement funds the SHRA has secured through competitive grant cycles. The gift from the Union Pacific Foundation serves as matching funds for a federal statewide grant that is funding 70 percent of the total estimated cost of $426,000 to renovate and rebuild bay 1 of the roundhouse buildings.
The Union Pacific Foundation is the primary philanthropic arm of Union Pacific Corporation. The Foundation has distributed funds since 1959 to qualified organizations in communities served by Union Pacific. The Foundation is not endowed, but is funded each year from the operating profits of Union Pacific Corporation.
Union Pacific Corporation owns one of America’s leading transportation companies. Its principal operating company, Union Pacific Railroad, links 23 states in the western two-thirds of the country and serves the fastest-growing U.S. population centers. Union Pacific’s diversified business mix includes Agricultural Products, Automotive, Chemicals, Energy, Industrial Products and Intermodal. The railroad offers competitive long-haul routes from all major West Coast and Gulf Coast ports to eastern gateways. Union Pacific connects with Canada’s rail systems and is the only railroad serving all six major gateways to Mexico, making it North America’s premier rail franchise.
The Siouxland Historical Railroad Association is a nonprofit museum and historic preservation organization founded in 1984. Since its founding 25 years ago, volunteers have collectively contributed over 250,000 hours of labor to restore the City’s landmark steam locomotive No. 1355 and the Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District. Last year the Milwaukee Railroad Shops historic preservation project attracted nearly 10,000 visitors/visits to the historic district. The Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District and Great Northern Railway Steam Locomotive No. 1355 are designated “official projects” of the federal Save America’s Treasures Program.