Even with temperatures in the mid 90's and heat indexes reaching the low triple digits 2,400 visitors still came out and braved the heat and sun this year and had a wonderful time. Many of the people this year were new to the complex this year and were amased that a museum of this scale was being developed right here in Sioux City. Visitors were treated to home-made ice cream, a petting zoo, small engine displays, operating farm equipment, railroad displays, operating model railroads, live music that traveled about the complex, an antique tractor parade and tractor pull, kids activities, prizes and special visiotrs.
The newly completed Civil/Railroad Engineering Exhibit Hall was open to the public and a sneak peak of the HO scale Nebraska Central Railroad was an instant eye opener for everyone. "Stunning" and "remarkable" were the words heard most often by our volunteers. Also, history lessons and futrue plans for our 1911 St. Louis Corliss steam engine were provided in video displays and personel one-on-one conversations and tours.
Special guests were also on hand to entertain the crowds. Our Hobo actors did their best to "collect donations" and also held sing-alongs whether you wanted to participate or not (ha ha). Sir Topham Hat, Mr. Conductor, and Millie the Milwaukee Shops engine also made apperances and handed out Thomas the Tank Engine, Misty Island Rescue, activity books that were so generously donated by the Marcus Theaters Company.
44 volunteers lent their valuable time, talents and cheery dispositions to making this years AG?RAIL a success. Thank You to those that attended and those that helped out. Spread the news! Sioux City has a railroad museum in the making and will be a museum of national caliber and claim. A definite tourism draw and and economic boon to Sioux City, Riverside, North Sioux City and the Siouxland area in general.