Sunday, January 25, 2009 under construction

The SHRA board of directors has appointed Ken Brown, a longtime volunteer, as webmaster for the organization's website portal: In addition, the board has contracted with Jacomic Technologies, a Sioux City-based design firm, to build the new website domain. The release date for the new website is scheduled for March 1st. Further updates on the website will be announced on this news blog.


  1. Hello Everybody! I know our new web site is generating alot of excitement and many of you are very antsy about it's grand opening. But, as with any good project there is always a delay or two. My apologies...... If everything goes right... we should have it open to the public no later than Friday, March 13. Keep your eyes peeled, you're really going to like it. I will keep you posted on further progress. Thank You for your interest in our project.

  2. Hello Everybody!!

    The web site is now up and running. For a quick link. Page down on this page untill you see a big red & orange circle with SHRA in the middle of it on teh left side of the page (Our Logo) Click on that and you're gone -- I hope you enjoy it. Any comments about your thoughts would be very much appreciated.
    Thank You -- Ken
