The Siouxland Historical Railroad Association (SHRA) will host a public information meeting on Tuesday evening, February 17, 2009 to discuss the preservation of the Corliss stationary steam engine located in the KD Station. The meeting will run from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and will be held at Western Iowa Tech Community College, Room B-138. The public is asked to use Parking Lot 3 and Building Entrance number 10.
Volunteer project managers will be on hand to discuss the salvage processes involved with removing the circa 1890-1910 Corliss Engine and two ammonia compressors (Worthington and Frick). The informational meeting will also cover the processes for transporting the engine and compressors to the Milwaukee Railroad Shops and the displaying of all components as part of the STEAM Locomotion exhibit. Project managers will utilize a Powerpoint presentation to illustrate the current condition and size of the Corliss stationary steam engine.
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